Manage Your Entire Collection
FulcrumOS allows for the addition of, and seamless interaction with, multiple locations under one parent company/organization. Whether you have a warehouse distribution center and a standard retail storefront, or 30 storefronts, we’ve made it easy to manage them all from one place.
Mid-Use Store Change
While interacting with FulcrumOS, you can at any point easily switch between locations you have connected to your FulcrumOS account. This not only allows for users to check other store locations for an item to assist in getting the customer exactly what they’re looking for, but save loads of time for managers who no longer have to travel to see the status of the inventory at another store. From a singular location you can manage, transfer, and transact from any other of your business’ locations.
Seamless Location Transfers
In tandem with the level of interactivity and integration we’ve built into the Multi-Store portion of FulcrumOS, we’ve developed an easy and efficient way to quickly and accurately transfer items between your locations. Coupled with printing, SKU, and inventory automations, you’ll now spend more time deciding IF you want to move an item than you’ll have to spend changing it in your store inventories.
Easy Inventory Management
With the FulcrumOS connectivity between your different locations, it becomes a breeze when you need to review, add to, or generally do clerical management of your inventory. With a robust reporting system, you can view the items and their quantity across all your locations. FulcrumOS includes multiple inventory options for editing, transferring, or more.